Friday, August 13, 2010


Hotels in South Sulawesi are improving and new properties are being built for the business traveller. The four-star Hotel Marannu City and the Makassar Golden Hotel are the best. The Victoria and Grand are classified three star hotels. These hotels have air conditioned rooms with attached bathrooms, telephones, TV, and restaurants. In Toraja, hotels are in cottage style with attached bathrooms, no air conditioning is needed because of its cool climate. In Ujung Pandang, one star hotels are partly air conditioned, have their own restaurants. These rooms have attached bathrooms.


Kenari Hotel
Dr. Latumahina Street 3, Makasar

Sahid Jaya Makasar Hotel
Dr. Sam Ratulangi Street 33, Ujung Pandang

Pantai Gapura
Pasar Ikan Street 10, Makasar

Quality Hotel
Somba Opu Street 235, Ujung Pandang

Makasar Golden Hotel
Pasar Ikan Street 50-52, Ujung Pandang

Imperial Aryaduta Hotel
Somba Opu Street 297, Makasar


Misiliana Hotel
Pongtiku Street 27
Phone: (0423) 21212

Indra Hotel
Ratulangi Street 28
Phone: (0423) 21583

Pison Hotel
Pongtiku Street G II/8
Phone: (0423) 21344

Rantepao Lodge
Pao Rura Street
Phone: (0423) 21248

Torisna Hotel
Pao Rura Street
Phone: (0423) 21293

Wisma Tanabua
Diponegoro Street 43
Phone: (0423) 21072

Wisma Maeia I
Ratulangi Street 23
Phone: (0423) 21165

Sahid Toraja Hotel
Phone: (0423) 22444

Marannu Highland Resort
Raya Palopo Street
Phone: (0423) 21616

Toraja Prince Hotel
Paku Bala Salu
Phone: (0423) 21458

Toraja Cottage
Raya Palopo Street
Phone: (0423) 21475

Marlin Hotel
Mappanyuki Street 75
Phone: (0423) 21038

Victoria Hotel
A. Mappanyuki Street 75
Phone: (0423) 21038

Wisma Surya
WR. Mongisidi Street 36
Phone: (0423) 21312

Indo Grace
Mappanyuki Street 72
Phone: (0423) 21291

Novotel Toraja
Phone: (0423) 21192


Marannu City Hotel
Pongtiku Street 116-118
Phone: (0423) 22266

Wisma Puri Artha
Pongtiku Street 114
Phone: (0423) 2247

Batupapan Hotel
Pongtiku Street 130
Phone: (0423) 22259

Sahid Toraja Hotel
Getengan Mengkendek Street
Phone: (0423) 224444

Wisma Merry
Pongtiku Street 100 B
Phone: (0423) 22174

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Makassar - South Sulawesi